Dreamwalker受外國舞團負責人邀請,將於12月21日到演藝劇院,觀賞由英國倫敦著名Sadler’s Wells劇院舉辦的《Live Vibe》舞蹈 + 喜劇 + 現場音樂本地首度演出。團體的教舞成員將會出席與舞團交流,汲取舞蹈靈感。歡迎大家一同觀賞。網站:www.livevibe.hk
《Live Vibe》由英國的Hakeem Onibudo構思,十年以來已成為每月於英國倫敦Sadler’s Wells劇院定期舉行的長青節目,為年輕的hip-hop, 街舞及當代舞者及編舞提供發表作品的平台,及與其他媒體的藝術家合作交流的機會。
《Live Vibe Hong Kong》首回演出的表演嘉賓陣容鼎盛,除了本地著名Studio及Dance Crew外,更邀請到有份參與電影《街舞3D》的Impact Dance成員來港演出,萬勿錯過!經Dreamwalker購買學生票,可以特惠價$150購得。
Live Vibe Hong Kong
21.12.2010 8pm
地點:香港演藝學院香港賽馬會演藝劇院 (灣仔告士打道1號)
$298, $228(學生)
Dreamwalker is invited to attend the show <
Live Vibe was created by Hakeem Onibudo and is a monthly show at Sadler’s Wells in London. The show aims to bring together young hip-hop, street, contemporary dancers and choreographers and professional and international artists.The idea is to drive young artists to create new and exciting material and present it in a professional setting.
The first Live Vibe Hong Kong will be staged at the Jockey Club Amphitheatre HKAPA on Tuesday 21 December 2010 at 8pm. This show will bring together over 60 young performers from Hong Kong and professional British dancers. It will include five Hong Kong dance crews, the British company Impact Dance and two live music bands and it will be hosted by Hakeem Onibudo and DeeGor.
Tickets are available through www.HKticketing.com and all HK ticketing outlets and Tom Lee Music stores. They are priced at HK$298 for adults and HK$228 for students. Dreamwalker can but discount tickets at HK$150.Member who is interested can leave your name,email and contact via the email : hkdreamwaker@gmail.com