2010年3月27日 星期六

Invitation of MJ Fans First Annual Convention in US

Invitation of MJ Fans First Annual Convention in US (美國發出米高粉絲聚會邀請)

Dear All,
You are cordially invited to join us in a trip to LA attending all or some of the events organized for Michael. If you want further details , please contact HK Fans Yoly via the mobile : 9460 0085.
Jun 24
The Make A Better World Foundation's First Annual Convention and fundraiser for Haiti!!!!
Ticket: US$150
Larry Nimmer -The Untold Story of Neverland, will be filming for us to make a commemorative DVD. All sales go to charity.
The convention will include:
Banquet with special speakers including
-Geraldine Hughes Author of Redemption
(who will also be singing for us!!)
-Larry Nimmer w/unseen clips from his video -The Untold Story of
-Michael Kiss Tribute Artist.
-Pearl Jr. author, activist, journalist and producer, Trial and Triumph or the King of Pop
-JohnTobin -Bogart in Smooth Criminal
-Catherine Coy Founder of MJTruthNow.com and Chairperson,
Vindication of Michael Jackson in Mainstream Media
-Shawn Henning Author of Michael Jackson The Book the Media Doesn't
Want You to Read.
-The Tree People
-AIDS Project LA
plus performances and more!!
Hotel: Sheraton at US$180/room
Jun 25
9am to 9pm
Starting and ending in Los Angeles
The cost is per person (seat) for the entire 12 hour tour including one candle.
A $2 fee will be added to each seat to cover paypal (credit card) charges.
If you need more than one seat increase it in the shopping cart.
Include first and last name of each guest attending, with your payment, in the note section.
Once we receive your name(s) of all who will be traveling with us, a schedule will be emailed to you within 1-2 days, to your address on your paypal, so please make sure your email is up to date
$45 + $2 paypal (credit card handling) fee per ticket
Book and pay online:
Hotel: An inexpensive one suggested by MJSUNIFC at US$70/room

Jun 26
Join US fans to the Neverland on minibus at a shared cost around $20 each. It is a private trip.
Hotel: As above at US$70/room

Jun 27
On our way to visit:
Michael Jackson Star (Hollywood Walk of Fame)
Hollywood Wax Museum
Thriller Alley (The Alley and Street where THRILLER was filmed)
If we want to dance...a lot of clubs and lounges are going to be playing Michael Music ALL NIGHT!

Jun 28
Schedule open for shopping in LA

Jun 29
Fans combining Michael Jackson Fans of Southern California and Make A Better World Foundation in the US had been in touch with Disney and they agreed wholeheartedly to call it a Global Michael Jackson Day on June 29th in the park. They would announce it over the parks loud speakers about it being Global Michael Jackson Day and that, we his fans are in the park to celebrate his legacy as Captain EO.
We are given a group rate of US$59.95 basically US$60 per person which is $25 off the normal price. The ticket will be dated for the 29th of June only.

If interested, please submit:
• Name
• Number of people coming with you
• Contact Information

2010年3月21日 星期日


剛過去的星期六,第三次練舞在將軍澳體育館順利舉行,是次亦有新朋友第一次加入。成員參加這天活動後,將要回到自己所住地區各自區練,所以大家都特別複習不熟的舞步。當活動臨近尾聲時,神秘嘉賓突然到場!他們就是—Howard一家三口了! 文︰shan 攝影︰Andrew


距離6月25日還不足100天,Howard透露歐洲在6月底將會有國際演唱會為米高作慈善致敬。他於20多年前,曾與Jackson 5一起作Victory Tour,今年他們一家是唯一被邀以家庭作為演出單位,同場還有米高的兄弟及共20位國際級歌手演出。他說︰「羅馬、意大利等地也會舉行慈善演唱會,6月米高將會重現舞台!」


2010年3月13日 星期六


練舞練舞,唔練唔知身體好。第二次練習於36舉行,地點改在較偏遠的將軍澳體育館,依然有40多位朋友參加,這次大家把"The drill"餘下的38拍也練完,即是第一部份的舞步已初步練過,不少人也認為,後尾的舞步相對簡單,或許是大家漸漸應適快速節奏的關係。



團體聯絡︰阿珊 97898511
新界區聯絡︰Lionel 6127 9997
九龍區聯絡︰昇仔 6229 8109
港島區聯絡︰Tom 9023 2130

日期︰320 (周六)
地點︰將軍澳體育館(Tseung Kwan O Sports Centre)
地址︰將軍澳運隆路9(9 Wan Lung Road, Tseung Kwan O)

2010年3月12日 星期五

70歲也能跳Billie Jean?

抓褲檔、白手套、擲禮帽,這不就是米高……噢不!他們頭髮花白,內心永遠不老,這隊名叫Awesome Threesome的團隊,來自美國加州。成員分別為77歲的Kurt Bourhenne、81歲的Bert Carroll與71的Frank Tripoli,他們向高難度挑戰,為的是向King of Pop致敬。

薑果然愈老愈辣,三位大跳Billie Jean,引起觀眾尖叫聲此起彼落,在舞台上絕不比年輕人遜色。該表演片段在Youtube點撃率早已衝破200萬次,舉手投足證明了內心保年輕,年齡就只是一個數字。

這場舞步由Carroll女兒編排,足證米高跨代魅力。想知道Awesome Threesome下一隻舞會跳甚麼嗎?Carroll頑皮地說,他們很想去電視台表演,寄了一推錄影帶給各大節目,仍然沒有下聞,「如果電視台邀請我們表演的話,我們會考慮跳《THRILLER》。」


2010年3月1日 星期一



參加者當中有不少是新朋友,首次練習,也是沒有舞蹈根底的,但大家專心學跳新舞步「The drill」,一步一步學下去,有些動作看來是做不到的,但學下學下又好似得的地……彼此都慢慢轄出去~為甚麼跟大家一起學時不怕尷尬,但有人在家獨自練習反而怕被家人用奇異目光看待呢?可能這就是Dreamwalker的magic moment吧 =)


由於米高的舞蹈特色,是愈多人跳愈有氣勢,新舞步「The drill」也不例外,導師Alton說,我們首堂已練了大約9個8拍,第二堂會練習餘下3個8拍,第三堂會重覆整個動作執靚佢,有勞他與另一位義務導師阿Chris了!


日期︰3月6 日(周六)及3月20日(周六)
地點︰將軍澳體育館(Tseung Kwan O Sports Centre)
地址︰將軍澳運隆路9號(9 Wan Lung Road, Tseung Kwan O)

阿珊 9789 8511
