Dreamwalker11月13及14日到蘭桂芳參加嘉年華(Lan Kwai Fong Street Carnival),並於玩具反斗城特設的兒童街擺攤檔,售賣MJ繪本及Dreamwalker T-shirt,兩天下午特設表演跳舞時段。活動受惠機構是關懷愛滋,於1990年成立,是本港首個關注愛滋病及提供支援服務的非政府組織。
文︰Shan 照片︰Douglas,Andrew,John Ip
成員們特別重新編曲及排舞,將Thriller, Smooth criminal& Beat it經典舞蹈來個大串燒,於當日表演時贏得現場觀眾熱烈掌聲。
Dreamwalker was honored to join the biggest fete in town ! From 13th to 14th November, we danced in Lan Kwai Fong Street Carnival ,which provided delicacies and drinks from all around the world, festive booths, live shows and performances that rock everybody from minute to minute.
Lan Kwai Fong Street Carnival continues its support to AIDS Concern following last year’s success. Along with fun and rum, people can sharetheir care to by giving a helping hand to this charity organization’s fundraising activities to support its good community cause at the Carnival.
Street and live performers coming from all around the world: Sichuan acrobats, Brazilian dancers, African drummers and many others. Our team dance many iconic MJ steps including Thriller, Smooth criminal& Beat it steps. We really enjoyed so much fun there.
The coming event will be held on December ,keep rocking!