2010年12月31日 星期五



過去17年來,Michael Jackson在台灣曾舉辦兩次演唱會,包括在1993年的危險之旅,以及1996年的歷史之旅。每去到一個地方,在演出之前,他都例必爭取機會,到醫院或兒童院探訪小朋友,這次也不例外,而每次他採訪之前,都會四出搜羅得意可愛的玩具。 文︰阿珊

1993年9月5 日下午3時多,位於台北玩具反斗城的職員,嚴陣以待,因為Michael來了!經理回憶說,Michael很有禮貌,他先跟當地經理打招呼,見到Geoffrey時亦來個擁抱,然後一起然後走進玩具架,迅速揀選多種玩具。




2010年12月18日 星期六

Choir practice on 19 Dec


聖誕將至, 在12月19日星期日,合唱團會繼續練歌,練習曲目是 I'll be there。另外,在12月25日,我地會將MJ的舞蹈帶進社區團體"義工大聯盟",所以亦會練舞。即使不懂唱歌或跳舞的新朋友,同樣歡迎你!

在這個充滿歡樂的日子,為感謝暑假曾參加義演籌款的成員,19日當天會頒發Dreamwalker與Save the children共同簽署的感謝狀給大家,各位有參加6, 7 ,8月APM義演而接受感謝狀的dreamwalkers 可以在當天領取,另外,各位捐款100元或以上的成員,也可同時領取退稅單。


《Live Vibe》Dance Show on 21 Dec

Dreamwalker受外國舞團負責人邀請,將於1221日到演藝劇院,觀賞由英國倫敦著名Sadler’s Wells劇院舉辦的《Live Vibe》舞蹈 + 喜劇 + 現場音樂本地首度演出。團體的教舞成員將會出席與舞團交流,汲取舞蹈靈感。歡迎大家一同觀賞。網站:www.livevibe.hk

Live Vibe》由英國的Hakeem Onibudo構思,十年以來已成為每月於英國倫敦Sadler’s Wells劇院定期舉行的長青節目,為年輕的hip-hop, 街舞及當代舞者及編舞提供發表作品的平台,及與其他媒體的藝術家合作交流的機會。

Live Vibe Hong Kong》首回演出的表演嘉賓陣容鼎盛,除了本地著名StudioDance Crew外,更邀請到有份參與電影《街舞3D》的Impact Dance成員來港演出,萬勿錯過!經Dreamwalker購買學生票,可以特惠價$150購得。

Live Vibe Hong Kong
21.12.2010 8pm
地點:香港演藝學院香港賽馬會演藝劇院 (灣仔告士打道1)
$298, $228

Dreamwalker is invited to attend the show <> on 21 Dec,you are welcome to join us !
Live Vibe was created by Hakeem Onibudo and is a monthly show at Sadler’s Wells in London. The show aims to bring together young hip-hop, street, contemporary dancers and choreographers and professional and international artists.The idea is to drive young artists to create new and exciting material and present it in a professional setting.

The first Live Vibe Hong Kong will be staged at the Jockey Club Amphitheatre HKAPA on Tuesday 21 December 2010 at 8pm. This show will bring together over 60 young performers from Hong Kong and professional British dancers. It will include five Hong Kong dance crews, the British company Impact Dance and two live music bands and it will be hosted by Hakeem Onibudo and DeeGor.

Tickets are available through www.HKticketing.com and all HK ticketing outlets and Tom Lee Music stores. They are priced at HK$298 for adults and HK$228 for students. Dreamwalker can but discount tickets at HK$150.Member who is interested can leave your name,email and contact via the email : hkdreamwaker@gmail.com

2010年11月20日 星期六


Dreamwalker111314日到蘭桂芳參加嘉年華(Lan Kwai Fong Street Carnival),並於玩具反斗城特設的兒童街擺攤檔,售賣MJ繪本及Dreamwalker T-shirt,兩天下午特設表演跳舞時段。活動受惠機構是關懷愛滋,於1990年成立,是本港首個關注愛滋病及提供支援服務的非政府組織。
文︰Shan 照片︰Douglas,Andrew,John Ip

成員們特別重新編曲及排舞,將Thriller, Smooth criminal& Beat it經典舞蹈來個大串燒,於當日表演時贏得現場觀眾熱烈掌聲。



Dreamwalker was honored to join the biggest fete in town ! From 13th to 14th November, we danced in Lan Kwai Fong Street Carnival ,which provided delicacies and drinks from all around the world, festive booths, live shows and performances that rock everybody from minute to minute.

Lan Kwai Fong Street Carnival continues its support to AIDS Concern following last year’s success. Along with fun and rum, people can sharetheir care to by giving a helping hand to this charity organization’s fundraising activities to support its good community cause at the Carnival.

Street and live performers coming from all around the world: Sichuan acrobats, Brazilian dancers, African drummers and many others. Our team dance many iconic MJ steps including Thriller, Smooth criminal& Beat it steps. We really enjoyed so much fun there.


The coming event will be held on December ,keep rocking!

2010年10月28日 星期四

Thriller dance class story on AM730

Date : 28/10/2010
Trick or treat for Unicef

海港城KidX與玩具“反”斗城合辦萬聖節工作坊,於本周六及周日(30及31日),即場捐出指定金額予UNICEF即可參加,哄小朋友開心兼做善事,一舉兩得。查詢:2118 8666

2010年10月27日 星期三

Halloween charity parade 2010


20101030 (星期六) 下午,我們會殺到香港金融心臟地帶,到中環匯豐銀行總行作慈善表演,上面就係我地嘅舞台位置啦!當天將會有過千位參加者一同跳舞或玩遊戲,這個「萬聖節慈善大巡遊」已踏入第三屆!歡迎你一齊來參加跳舞表演,鬼得閒救地球 :)




綵排時間︰上午11:00 集合地點︰中環港鐵站K出口地面

地點︰起點︰中環匯豐銀行總行 終點︰天星碼頭



Hong Kong has over 23,000 new cases of cancer each year, which translates into more than 60 newcases per day. Hence, following the success of HSBC Insurance Halloween Charity Parade in the past three years, they are organising the Halloween Charity Parade 2010 on 30 October 2010 (Saturday) to raise funds for the following Hong Kong Cancer Fund project:

Hong Kong Cancer Fund project has not only enabled us to make a modest effort to help alleviate the hardship of cancer patients, but also increase the public awareness of the great work of the Cancer Fund.

Dreamwalker is invited by HSBC Insurance to join the Halloween Charity parade 2010.We would dance in the ground plaza of HSBC Main Building. If you are interested ,please come and join us!

The Charity parade aims to ,
* Improvement Project of Cancer Patient Resources Centre (CPRC), Tuen Mun Hospital CPRC provides psychosocial support to cancer patients and their families and handles over 2000 new cancer patients annually
* The improvement project aims at: expanding the Centre to meet needs of increasing number of patients
* greening of the courtyard next to the waiting hall
* renovating the sitting arrangement in the waiting hall

We would like to invite you to support the event ,the event details are as the following ,

Date: Saturday, 30 October 2010

Rehersal Time: 11:00am

Starting Point: Ground Plaza, HSBC Main Building, Central

Finish Point: Central Star Ferry Pier

Dress code: Dress to blow people’s minds!

互聯網號召 全球舞悼MJ

互聯網號召 全球舞悼MJ

(星島日報報道)轉眼又一年!美國時間6月25日為Michael Jackson(MJ)逝世一周年,有本地MJ迷透過互聯網,聚集世界各地年輕人,在當天(即香港時間6月26日)同一時間起舞,向他們的偶像致敬!更有「九十後」MJ迷決定親往美國洛杉磯,了解這個MJ成長之地,實行與偶像來個近距離的心靈接觸!

互聯網號召 全球舞悼MJ
(星島)2010年6月24日 星期四 06:30


(星島日報 報道)轉眼又一年!美國 時間6月25日為Michael Jackson(MJ)逝世一周年,有本地MJ迷透過互聯網,聚集世界各地年輕人,在當天(即香港時間6月26日)同一時間起舞,向他們的偶像致敬!更有「九十後」MJ迷決定親往美國洛杉磯 ,了解這個MJ成長之地,實行與偶像來個近距離的心靈接觸!





  還記得去年7月香港的MJ快閃「百人跳」嗎?百多名本地MJ迷本來互不相識,亦不懂跳舞,就是因為想向偶像MJ致敬,通過社交網站自發組織起來,短時間內秘密排舞,然後在尖沙嘴 、銅鑼灣 及灣仔鬧市起舞。音樂響起,扮成路人的組織成員逐一加入,載歌載舞;音樂一停,他們就若無其事的四散離開。一年後,這班MJ迷並沒有真正的各散東西,反而再次因為MJ而聚集一起。不過今次他們不再以「快閃」形式出現,而是光明正大以「積夢同行Dreamwalker」的團體成員身分現身,以音樂和舞蹈傳揚 MJ關愛世界的精神。

  本周六(6月26日)下午四時,世界各地最少有來自十個城市的MJ迷,包括東京 、名古屋、長崎、北海道 、大阪、仙台和台北等,都會在同一時間起舞,向偶像致敬。來自香港的「積夢同行Dreamwalker」成員則會以觀塘apm 商場為舞台,跳舞之餘,亦設有T恤義賣,籌得善款將捐予國際慈善機構「救助兒童會」,幫助內地的貧窮兒童。


  訪問當日,學生哥阿飛、阿星及在職人士Jennifer等三十多位MJ迷結集在排舞室內,密鑼緊鼓地排舞。其中一位「九十後」女孩YY,捧著自己繪畫的MJ人像畫穿插人群,收集歌迷的簽名。YY於十九年前的6月25日出世,剛巧是MJ死忌,她自覺與MJ有著難以解釋的緣份,「以往我從來沒聽過有MJ這個人,但有天忽然傳來他過世的新聞,心想怎麼會有這麼多人悼念他?之後媽媽買了MJ於日本 巡迴演唱的影碟回家,我看後就馬上被他吸引了!在舞台上,他是多麼自由奔放和瀟灑,那一刻舞台不再是舞台,而是他身體的一部分;這是藝術的頂峰,亦是我要追求的東西!」


  當本地MJ迷為紀念活動忙於排舞時,YY早已飛往洛杉磯。當7-Eleven售貨員的她,努力儲了四個月錢,加上售賣MJ繪畫本所籌的資金,一心前往 MJ成長的地方,希望與MJ有更近距離的心靈接觸,「那裏的空氣和泥土都瀰漫著MJ氣息,我要去看看。」想不到一個已故的Pop Star竟可以引起一個追求藝術的「九十後」女孩共鳴,MJ魔力認真驚人!

  Info MJ致敬起舞活動




  查詢:9789 8511



2010年10月26日 星期二

24/10 Charity show for Unicef

Michael , we know that you are directing us from our heart! What a joyful day :)
***Video by John Ip

2nd thriller dance class on 30/10

Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF

For more than 60 years, the “Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF” has become a well-known and traditional fundraising campaign in North America. Adopting the tradition of Halloween custom, kids who joined “Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF” campaign would carry our little collection boxes to raise funds from their neighbours instead of asking for a candy. Through the activities, children are our little ambassadors to help fundraise for the impoverished children who are in need of UNICEF support.

In Hong Kong, "Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF" campaign co-operated with Toys“R”Us has been launched for 9 years and funds raised were used for improving the well-being of the children in need around the world. This year, all the funds raised in this campaign will be used for supporting UNICEF "Education for Gansu children" programme.

A couple of fundraising Halloween activities will be organised this year, including "Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF" school fundraising activities, "Halloween Trick-R-Treat Party for UNICEF" and “Halloween Spooky Workshop” .

2010年10月23日 星期六

Invitation of Dreamwalker charity show






地點︰尖沙咀海運大廈地下Kid X


Dear Dreamwalkers ,

Today ToyRus “Halloween Trick r treat party” will be held at 3:30pm.Dreamwalker sincerely welcome all of you to come. All participants dressed up to join the party enjoy games and win gifts.

Dreamwalker will dance and sing in the charity show for raising fund to Unicef. Together we can join hand in hand and make a better place. Our show time will begin at 5:00 .See you there!

Unicef website: http://www.unicef.org.hk/campaigns-events/trick-or-treat-for-unicef

Best regards,


2010年10月16日 星期六

嘩鬼舞蹈工作坊/ Thriller dance academy


這次團體派出Tom Ma、Lionel、德哥、膠波、Chole和小欣當上跳舞導師,在尖沙咀海運大廈大堂進行「萬聖節嘩鬼舞蹈工作坊」,參加者學以在1小時內練習Thriller舞步,只要捐款100元便可以即場學跳舞。




感謝有份幫手影相嘅John Ip, Charles,K ma&Andrew :p

2010年10月13日 星期三

Thriller dance class on 10/10

Our Dearest Micahel , thank you for directing us to join this charity show.We love you!!!
What are you waiting for ?The dance class is free of charge.Come and join us!

2010年10月11日 星期一

Let's dance in ToysRus !

The tick or treat party will be held on 24th of October on 4:00pm-5:00pm.Dreamwalker will teach kids how to dance Michael Jackson's "Thriller"steps.Children between 3-12 and donate to Unicef during the event day are welcome to participate in the following worshop.See you there!


2010年10月10日 星期日

Thrill the night, Heal the world



計劃分設兩天教舞日及表演日,Dreamwalker在教舞日會指導小朋友跳Thriller舞步,而表演日暫定為1024(星期日),當天成員將會大展舞藝及獻唱Heal the world




Thrill the night, Heal the world

The Dreamwalkers’ volunteer shows had successfully attracted many audiences at the apm mall throughout June and August. One of the audiences was the regional manager of Toys"R"Us, she was deeply touched by the Dreamwalkers’ singing and dancing performance and she thought our group was very meaningful. So she exclusively invited Dreamwalker to teach MJ dance moves to children in Tsim Sha Tsui in October. The children’s entrance fee will be donated to UNICEF for helping children living under poverty.

We are planning to have two instructing days and one performance day. Dreamwalker will teach the children some easy steps of “Thriller” on the instructing days; performance day is planned to be on October 24 (Sunday), members will show off their awesome dance skills and sing “Heal the Word” together.

Due to limited space at the venue, this activity has a restricted amount of participants. We cordially ask all of you to treasure this golden opportunity to perform and spread MJ’s loving spirit here in Hong Kong. Dreamwalker is also having a surprise activity in late October for all our friends. Keep an eye out for more updates!

Our contact : hkdreamwalker@gmail.com

829 快閃全港九實錄

近百名香港MJ Fans 約定,在他8月29日生日那天,以他的舞蹈作慶賀,跳遍全港九,由朝跳到晚,將他的音樂傳遍香港,多張精彩照片就此跟大家分享!下年再見:)


