2011年2月28日 星期一

A Decade of Innovation-MJ Relived performer's audition

演藝進修學院將會係8月中舉辦米高積遜致敬音樂劇《A Decade of Innovation-MJ Relived》,作為學院踏入10同年的重頭戲。現招募9至21歲年輕人參加表演,面試日在5月尾,表演訓練課程費用︰$3050/$3900,有興趣的會員可到以下網頁了解︰

EXCEL(Extention and continuing Education for Life)of HKAPA was founded in May 2001,and 2011 will celebrate its 10th anniversary.The climax of its celebration will be a showcase,A Decade if Innovation -MJ Reloved,featuring songs and dance from the legendary King of Pop,Michael Jackson.

Students age 9 to 21, who are passionate in singing and dance, are invited to join their celebration Extravaganza. The programme also provide backstage training for students who interest in stage management such as making props,lighting,sound,costumes,or make-up and hair-styling.

You can find further information via this link :


