As much as we do not want to believe it, it is true. Michael Jackson left this world June 25, 2009 at the age of 50. Instead of making 2010 another year of mourning and gloom, let’s make it a year of healing and giving back.
Dreamwalker believes music and dance can create a meaningful life as a medium for bringing the world as one. It’s our turn to learn from the best and follow his steps.
No matter you can dance or not, young or... not so young, Michael always reminds us how to shine yourself by dreams. The 52nd birthday of “The King of Pop” is coming. Let’s celebrate and pay tribute to our dearest Michael. Express your love by dancing and bring cheer to the community.
The Event will be held on August 29th 2010.Come and join us!
Dance: Beat it
舞曲: Beat it
**Time and venue
Check Point 1: 沙田大會堂及新城市廣場第一期入口-地面
Time: 1330
Check Point 2: 旺角西洋菜南街-百老匯戲院對出
Time: 1515
Remark : 人流比西洋菜南街街尾多。
Check Point 3: 尖沙咀星光行-五支旗桿
Time: 1630
Remark: 因鐘樓範圍內的人流比五支旗桿的少,但注意不應進入海港
Check Point 4: 港鐵銅鑼灣E出口
Time: 1745
Remark: 不建議在駱克道Sogo後門處,因為長期有警車停泊。
Check Point 5: 銅鑼灣Sogo往時代方向經過的Bossini對出
Time: 1830
Check Point 6: 中環蘭桂坊
Time: 2000
Remark: 快閃後唱生日歌!
2010年8月28日 星期六
2010年8月26日 星期四
Life is short. L.O.V.E Now
Dear Michael Jackson Fans,
For the whole day on 23rd August the rain was like tears from heaven. I am deeply saddened when I heard about the news. Eight Hong Kong tourists were dead in the bloody end to the seizure of a tour bus in Manila by a disgruntled ex-police inspector, who at last was also killed when officers stormed the vehicle.
What a terrible shock that must have been! I wish to offer our deepest condolences to the families of the victims. As a HK MJ fan, we know that life is short and fragile, so please L O V E now! As a Hong Kong Michael Jackson fans, we should unite as one for blessing the affected families.
Here is a special way to show our love. The final charity performance on 28th August is coming, let’s make it as a love giving day. All the participants will wear an armband tied around his/her right around halfway between the shoulder and the elbow.
Each of us can be an extension of Michael Jackson and his spirit. Remember what he said, “In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort.”
For further details, please visit the website:
With love and respect,
Dreamwalker committee
Life is short. L.O.V.E Now
For the whole day on 23rd August the rain was like tears from heaven. I am deeply saddened when I heard about the news. Eight Hong Kong tourists were dead in the bloody end to the seizure of a tour bus in Manila by a disgruntled ex-police inspector, who at last was also killed when officers stormed the vehicle.
What a terrible shock that must have been! I wish to offer our deepest condolences to the families of the victims. As a HK MJ fan, we know that life is short and fragile, so please L O V E now! As a Hong Kong Michael Jackson fans, we should unite as one for blessing the affected families.
Here is a special way to show our love. The final charity performance on 28th August is coming, let’s make it as a love giving day. All the participants will wear an armband tied around his/her right around halfway between the shoulder and the elbow.
Each of us can be an extension of Michael Jackson and his spirit. Remember what he said, “In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort.”
For further details, please visit the website:
With love and respect,
Dreamwalker committee
2010年8月25日 星期三
828化義演為關愛 祝福香港
823菲律賓槍手脅持港人事件,震撼全城,令多個美好家庭陰陽永訣,秉承著米高興遜關心世界、關心小孩的精神,「積夢同行」(Dreamwalker)將於8月28日舉行第三次籌款活動「閃舞炎夏Shining summer2010」,將會延後米高的願望,透過義演祝福因事件的受傷害的無數心靈,並將活動扣除成本將撥捐「救助兒童會」,幫助中國貧困小孩改善生活。
10:30 apm義演舞台集合、換衫及義賣攤位set場
11:00-12:30 綵排
12:30-13:30 義演開始
14:00-14:25 餘慶表演
15:00 義賣活動完結
Passy 97898511 / Tom 9023 2130
823菲律賓槍手脅持港人事件,震撼全城,令多個美好家庭陰陽永訣,秉承著米高興遜關心世界、關心小孩的精神,「積夢同行」(Dreamwalker)將於8月28日舉行第三次籌款活動「閃舞炎夏Shining summer2010」,將會延後米高的願望,透過義演祝福因事件的受傷害的無數心靈,並將活動扣除成本將撥捐「救助兒童會」,幫助中國貧困小孩改善生活。
10:30 apm義演舞台集合、換衫及義賣攤位set場
11:00-12:30 綵排
12:30-13:30 義演開始
14:00-14:25 餘慶表演
15:00 義賣活動完結
Passy 97898511 / Tom 9023 2130
2010年8月15日 星期日
每當有天災戰禍,受害往往最先是小孩。近日中國甘肅水災令過千人遇離,隨即令數以千計的兒童失去家庭,Dreamwalker三場義演,頭兩場義演已順利籌得超過20,000元,8月28日已是最後一場,希望能透過MJ的歌舞,集結善款,轉化為實際力量協助中國小孩改善生活,為MJ 生日添上特別意義。
最後團練將於8月22日(星期日)舉行,由Howard教大家唱You are not alone & Heal the world,以及練習舞步Beat it , the drill & They don't care about us,練習詳情如下︰
聯絡人︰Andrew 9309 5348
時間︰中午12:30-1:30 餘慶表演︰2:00-2:30
11:00-12:30 到場綵排
12:30-12:34 活動開始
12:34-12:38 主持上台開場白
12:38-12:41 跳舞
12:41-12:44 介紹DW&STC
12:44-12:50 跳舞
12:50-12:54 Howard訪問
12:54-00:59 唱歌
12:59-13:00 DW成員訪問
13:01-13:07 唱歌
13:07-13:09 支票移交儀式
13:39-13:42 跳舞
13:42之後 義賣繼續
14:00-14:25 餘慶表演
最後團練將於8月22日(星期日)舉行,由Howard教大家唱You are not alone & Heal the world,以及練習舞步Beat it , the drill & They don't care about us,練習詳情如下︰
聯絡人︰Andrew 9309 5348
時間︰中午12:30-1:30 餘慶表演︰2:00-2:30
11:00-12:30 到場綵排
12:30-12:34 活動開始
12:34-12:38 主持上台開場白
12:38-12:41 跳舞
12:41-12:44 介紹DW&STC
12:44-12:50 跳舞
12:50-12:54 Howard訪問
12:54-00:59 唱歌
12:59-13:00 DW成員訪問
13:01-13:07 唱歌
13:07-13:09 支票移交儀式
13:39-13:42 跳舞
13:42之後 義賣繼續
14:00-14:25 餘慶表演
2010年8月7日 星期六
Keep MJ alive Give children a chance
828讓MJ精神不滅 給貧困小孩希望
724第二次義演已順利完成,籌得的款額累積至今,已突破2 萬元。若按照救助兒童會的中國救助項目,鞋子一雙50元的話,則可以買到400對鞋,幫助400個家庭的兒童步上夢想大道!為了更發揮MJ力量,以及在他 生日時送上一份特別禮物,Dreamwalker將於828最後一次義演,讓更多人一齊參加,過一個別具意義的暑假。
因為MJ說,要到貧窮的地方去,關心有需要的人, Heal the world都有得唱。關心世界由關心社區開始,其實觀塘區貧窮狀況是全港最惡劣,當中有3,600多個綜援戶,是全港最多綜援戶地區。(新聞︰
捐 款多少隨心,不設限制。Dreamwalker認為捐款背後那種犧牲精神才最重要。有人捐一元,但那已是他的全部,有人捐1萬,但那可能是他擁有的一小部 份,最重要是問自己,我犧牲了甚麼,也要把那些錢變成捐款支持中國小孩?這筆錢對我有何重要意義?(MJ告訴你何謂金錢的意義︰詩集《Dancing the dream》:The boy and the pillow)
Keep MJ alive Give children a chance
Our second fund-raising charity show on July 24 was a successful blast. Together with our first show in June, we have received a cumulative sum of over 20,000HKD. Using the scale from Save The Children of buying a pair of shoes per 50HKD raised, the amount we received can purchase 400 pairs of shoes, which means we can help 400 children in remote China by sending them the shoes so that they will not need to walk to school barefoot anymore.
To continue Michael Jackson’s spirit, and also as a special gift for his birthday, Dreamwalker will have our final charity show on August 28. This will be a wonderful and meaningful way to spend your summer, so please do not hesitate to participate!
Question: Why are our 3 charity shows performed in Kwun Tong?
Michael Jackson once said, go to the poorer areas, reach and care for those who are in need; you can see the same idea in his “Heal the World”.
We must start from our very own community before reaching out to the wide world. In fact, the Kwun Tong district suffers from serious poverty: there are 3,600 families receiving government subsidies of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance, which is the top district with the most families living under government subsidies. (News source:
The mall is a place where people from all classes gather. There are also a significant number of new immigrants from Mainland China and young population, Dreamwalker wishes to encourage and show them Michael Jackson’s spirit and also our care through our charitable acts of singing and dancing.
Question: How much are participants required to donate?
Donation is completely unrestricted with no maximum and minimum limits. Dreamwalker emphasizes on the sacrificial spirit behind the donation, not the donation itself.
One donates maybe a dollar, but that already is all he/she has; one may donate ten thousand, but that can be only a very small portion he/she owns. Most importantly, ask yourself, ask what you have sacrifice to donate in order to help and support the children under severe poverty in remote China, and ask yourself what this money means to you and them.
(MJ’s book of poems tells you what money means: Dancing the dream :The boy and the pillow)
724第二次義演已順利完成,籌得的款額累積至今,已突破2 萬元。若按照救助兒童會的中國救助項目,鞋子一雙50元的話,則可以買到400對鞋,幫助400個家庭的兒童步上夢想大道!為了更發揮MJ力量,以及在他 生日時送上一份特別禮物,Dreamwalker將於828最後一次義演,讓更多人一齊參加,過一個別具意義的暑假。
因為MJ說,要到貧窮的地方去,關心有需要的人, Heal the world都有得唱。關心世界由關心社區開始,其實觀塘區貧窮狀況是全港最惡劣,當中有3,600多個綜援戶,是全港最多綜援戶地區。(新聞︰
捐 款多少隨心,不設限制。Dreamwalker認為捐款背後那種犧牲精神才最重要。有人捐一元,但那已是他的全部,有人捐1萬,但那可能是他擁有的一小部 份,最重要是問自己,我犧牲了甚麼,也要把那些錢變成捐款支持中國小孩?這筆錢對我有何重要意義?(MJ告訴你何謂金錢的意義︰詩集《Dancing the dream》:The boy and the pillow)
Keep MJ alive Give children a chance
Our second fund-raising charity show on July 24 was a successful blast. Together with our first show in June, we have received a cumulative sum of over 20,000HKD. Using the scale from Save The Children of buying a pair of shoes per 50HKD raised, the amount we received can purchase 400 pairs of shoes, which means we can help 400 children in remote China by sending them the shoes so that they will not need to walk to school barefoot anymore.
To continue Michael Jackson’s spirit, and also as a special gift for his birthday, Dreamwalker will have our final charity show on August 28. This will be a wonderful and meaningful way to spend your summer, so please do not hesitate to participate!
Question: Why are our 3 charity shows performed in Kwun Tong?
Michael Jackson once said, go to the poorer areas, reach and care for those who are in need; you can see the same idea in his “Heal the World”.
We must start from our very own community before reaching out to the wide world. In fact, the Kwun Tong district suffers from serious poverty: there are 3,600 families receiving government subsidies of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance, which is the top district with the most families living under government subsidies. (News source:
The mall is a place where people from all classes gather. There are also a significant number of new immigrants from Mainland China and young population, Dreamwalker wishes to encourage and show them Michael Jackson’s spirit and also our care through our charitable acts of singing and dancing.
Question: How much are participants required to donate?
Donation is completely unrestricted with no maximum and minimum limits. Dreamwalker emphasizes on the sacrificial spirit behind the donation, not the donation itself.
One donates maybe a dollar, but that already is all he/she has; one may donate ten thousand, but that can be only a very small portion he/she owns. Most importantly, ask yourself, ask what you have sacrifice to donate in order to help and support the children under severe poverty in remote China, and ask yourself what this money means to you and them.
(MJ’s book of poems tells you what money means: Dancing the dream :The boy and the pillow)
2010年8月1日 星期日
去年《This Is It》即將作全球上映前,演唱會及電影製作總監奧爾特加(Kenny Ortega)的一段訪問,反映了米高為何如此堅持要將音樂帶到世界每個角落,當中有一個重要目標,亦是他鮮為人知的一面。
724再次義演 籌款突破2萬元
照片︰Lawrence ,Lau Ho Yin, Andrew Ha&Chloe 文︰shan
嘩~~~係超人?係雀仔?!通通都不是,原來是畫面播出世界各地的MJ Fans 跳舞片段,搶去現場觀眾目光,Andrew的剪輯片段令現場牽起首個高潮,接住當然就係跳舞!
「積夢同行Dreamwalker」為救助兒童會義演 延續流行天王米高積遜關愛世界精神
Save the children website latest news : Dreamwalker charity dance performance , people can click on the following link to know further details,
照片︰Lawrence ,Lau Ho Yin, Andrew Ha&Chloe 文︰shan
嘩~~~係超人?係雀仔?!通通都不是,原來是畫面播出世界各地的MJ Fans 跳舞片段,搶去現場觀眾目光,Andrew的剪輯片段令現場牽起首個高潮,接住當然就係跳舞!
未夠喉?!不要緊。8月我們將於28日(星期六)於下午在觀塘apm商場表演,希望大家繼續支持Dreamwalker的義演活動,累積更多力量,幫MJ延續關愛小孩的心願。到時見啦 :)
「積夢同行Dreamwalker」為救助兒童會義演 延續流行天王米高積遜關愛世界精神
Save the children website latest news : Dreamwalker charity dance performance , people can click on the following link to know further details,
A Michael Jackson fans group dance to save the children To pay tribute to the King of Pop
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